englishlanguageservices.de also provides translation services. These translations are carried out by a bilingual English/German native Speaker with a highly proficient background in pharmaceutical marketing, medicine, biology, and other sciences.
- The focus of englishlanguageservices.de in translations is hence to translate:
- marketing materials (i.e. detail aids)
- medical materials (i.e. product monographs)
- scientific materials (i.e. scientific publications)
- engineering materials (i.e. product engineering specifications)
- service materials for users (i.e. service leaflets)
- etc.
englishlanguageservices.de cannot provide legally binding translations or translations set to specific legal standards (i.e. court proceedings).
Translation prices
Translations are priced by word following the matrix below. The matrix is valid for both English to German and German to English translations. Prices vary according to translation volume, complexity and time for translation allowed. For fast translations under 3 days maximum word limits are in place and non-negotiable.
Translation Fee Matrix

Per translation an office surcharge of 2€ per page will be added. Regular customers can earn up to 25% bonus reduction per translation.
All prices are quoted including German sales tax of 19%.
Do you require English to German or vice versa translation services , then do not hesitate and contactenglishlanguageservices.de today via the contact page.

Ecological Impact
With every assignment you will not only improve you and/or your staffs expertise in English, you will actively help im making this world a better place by planting trees.
I am a member of Tree Nation (https://tree-nation.com/profile/jason-hann) with my own forest.
For every assignment I receive I will plant a tree at Tree Nation. This tree can even be donated to you if you want to start your own forest.
This is how we can do something to save our beautiful planet.